Dear Kids, This is Coffee

How to Introduce Kids to Coffee:

What is the best way to introduce kids to coffee?

Keep it Sweet

Like everything else, it seems sugar with a dose of coffee is the best recipe. Starbucks is the master of the Frappuccino, iced coffee, whip cream, sugar syrups, and other concoctions. Is this an accident, or are they introducing a whole new generation to their base product of coffee? The question is rhetorical.

In my opinion, a sweet coffee drink is the way to go. Most black coffee is bitter to the taste. The initial flavor will make you pucker and stay away from coffee for years to come. That’s what happened to me. I always like the smell of coffee, but not the taste. It was the smell that kept me coming back. It was that smell that eventually got me to try it again. That and the caffeine.

Keep it Cold

Here’s another option. Let them try a smooth cold brew. Cold brewed coffee is softer to the palate. Put some cream in there with a little bit of ice and you have yourself a winner.

Keep it Smooth

I have one last idea I got from a Starbucks barista. Pour half of a cup of cold brew, then fill the other half with boiling, or hot, water. That makes a real nice cup of coffee. The bitter flavor is driven away and you are left with a real nice drink.

Final Thoughts

Introducing kids to coffee may not be your idea of a good time.  I have five kids, all boys, and I’m not sure I am overly excited to have them drinking coffee.  That said, there are certainly benefits to liking coffee as life goes along.  If we look at this as a migration strategy for aging kids, then it is probably best.

What are your ideas?

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