Coffee Shop Hunting – Considerations for a Coffee Shop Location

Finding a Home

Finding a location for KC Coffee Co. hasn’t been easy. There are several items to consider when thinking about a coffee shop location and they all tend to be in conflict. Here is the list.

Considerations for a coffee shop:

  1. Price
  2. Location
  3. Price
  4. Location
  5. Competition surrounding the location
  6. Drive-thru window

The repetition was not accidental. That’s really how important those two factors are to the process. Notice, location even creeps in to the competition consideration as well.

The price of the coffee shop is important because a coffee shop can only support so much of a lease. There is a limit to the number of cups of coffee you can sell. The price of the coffee minus the cost associated with making it leaves us the profit. The biggest factor for how many cups you can sell really depends on…

Location. The location is everything. You have to think about traffic counts, traffic flow, convenience, surrounding businesses and surrounding organizations. The more of those you find, the better. The only thing you have to watch for with great locations is…

Price. Yep. We’re back to this one again. See the cyclical nature of the exercise? Finding the right balance of price and location is everything.

To further complicate the situation, as if it were not complicated enough, I want the location close to my home. I can’t be running half way across the county just to sell coffee in a good location.
So here’s what I need:

  1. A great location
  2. With an undervalued asking price
  3. That is close to my home
  4. And the price of the location needs to stay within the profitability of the traffic the location will produce
  5. And nearby competition has to be held to a minimum.

It’s really that simple. Know of any place like that? If so, leave me a comment or send an email. If you are looking for a place of your own, good luck. Let this blog post serve as a start to the process.

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1 thought on “Coffee Shop Hunting – Considerations for a Coffee Shop Location

  1. Hey Dad

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