Get a Good Coffee Mug
Here is what I’ve come to know about coffee. It’s all in the mug.
Just today I had a new coffee mug delivered to my house. Thanks Amazon! It is, of course, a National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation moose mug. It just feels right. It’s not a coffee mug per se, but I like coffee a lot better than eggnog. One downside, it’s small, but it’s going to be fine. Like any good coffee mug, it’s refillable.
Do you have a good mug you like to use?
Another thing, I like to go back to the same haunts every day. I use a refillable plastic cup from Starbucks. I have two of them, just in case one comes up missing. I tell you this because the new moose mug has competition. I’m fiercely loyal, but this mug doesn’t have to worry. I’ve been watching Christmas Vacation every year on Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember.
Anyway, good coffee should be served in a good cup. If you don’t have a good mug, let me know and I will get you one.